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Find N5 - Lawn Green 螢光綠

Find N5 - Lawn Green 螢光綠

定價 HK$298.00
定價 售價 HK$298.00
特價 售罄

- We only use the premium material from leading manufacturer the thickness of 3M wrap film is only 0.25mm.
- Unique fittonia web air holes
Made of water repellent coating material to facilitate the heat transfer  and keep the long last permeability. The device could run in high speed without external constraints
The coating base design does not leave any traces, plastic residue after removal. Best choice ever !
- Water repellent property comes from unique high fibre technology with zero contamination on the wrapping materials,Use of waterproof coating for heat transmission.
- Products from AirFilm are the guaranteed elaborations under Industrial scale cutting machine with precision up to 0.001 mm.
- Customises all of your electronic devices including cellphone, notebook, iPad, earphone)Best way to get rid of abrasion, scratches, UV light, oil stains and residue.

Advantages of using our wrap film:

- Protect your device from abrasion, scratches, dust and dirt. If you planned to resell in future, this keeps  your device with least depreciation.
- Use of our material could change its colour, texture and outlook with unique design.


- 我們只使用來自行業領先製造商的優質材料,貼膜厚度僅有0.25mm。
- 獨有網格導氣孔,有助機體散熱,持久透氣性,底膜設計亦具備不留痕•不殘膠。
- 使用防水塗層材料製造,高密度纖維技術提升撥水效能,對膜材料造成零式彩污染。
- 每個AirFilm膜都是由您在這裡看到的工業級切割機之一精心製作的,而且精度在 1/1000 毫米以內。
- Airfilm膜具備保護和個性化您所有電子產品(例如手機、筆記本電腦、遊戲機、平板電腦、耳機等)


- 保護您的設備免受磨損、刮痕、灰塵和污垢。如果您將來要出售它,這也將有助於保留您的設備價值。
- 使用我們的膜改變其顏色、質地和全方位外觀,使您的設備個性化,與眾不同且完全獨一無二。
